Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Grace Mayele of Within Essence Productions

Hi PR Dolls!  I know it's been a while since I've posted, but I would like to introduce you to one of good colleagues, Grace Mayele. Grace is the CEO of Within Essence Productions based out of Canada! Grace and I actually had one of the most inspiring conversations back in October. We discussed EVERYTHING from Social Media enhancement, destruction of your brand because of poor use of social media and connecting the dots with the right people! Check out her interview below:

Within Essence Productions officially launched back in 2009 how was the transition from corporate America to working for yourself?

 The transition has been smooth yet quite the learning curb! It’s something that had to be done in order for me to appreciate what I have and not focus on what I don’t have. Running solo is something neither easy nor for the faint of heart financially nor emotionally. Building an empire comes with many sacrifices that can easily be ignored when you’re too comfortable.  There comes a time when you have to be tried in order to embrace and re-connect with your true “calling”. The transition allowed me to reposition myself personally on many fronts, re-align and re-strategize what I was really trying to achieve. Went back to the board, stretched my mind and tackled the basics…  Realized I wasn’t thinking big enough which is why I’ve been in the midst of my re-invention and re-brand!

Within Essence Productions is known for branding, what are some of your branding tactics that you use to produce successful events?

 We’re definitely known for our strategic and empowering approach when it comes to brand management and event planning. I wouldn’t say there’s a specific tactic per say other than truly understanding what our clients’ needs are. Once you know the ground rules of any project or event it’s easier to bring it to life and in the proper context. My aim is to operate with purpose in all that I do! Events are powerful marketing tools therefore it’s important to know what you’re trying to diffuse in order to reach your audience. There has to be a message or an element of influence.

 What is the meaning behind the name of your brand, Within Essence Productions?

 Within is the heart…

Essence is the journey…

Productions are the actions…

 To sum it up, I’m simply building from the inside and out…

 How would you describe the difference between branding and public relations?

 I believe they both merge in one to some degree. Branding is quite holistic to me, its understanding the essence of who you are and more. You can’t buzz about a person/brand or yourself for that matter if you’re not in tune with your identity nor what you truly stand for, which is why Branding and PR are interconnected.  PR gives you an opportunity to showcase your brilliance but you need a foundation and that’s where branding comes in.

I know that you've recently added PR services to your company, what are some of the services that you specialize in specifically?

 Yes, PR chose me lol! As far as PR is concerned: Fashion and lifestyle PR

With social media being so influential in most businesses, what is the correlation between PR and Branding that you use to network with potential clients via social media?

Honestly, I just lead by example. That alone sets the tone for any client lead and network potential. You never know whose watching therefore you have to make sure you as a publicist/marketer etc. are moving your own brand. In doing so, people will be able to see the types of results you are able to provide.

 What are some upcoming projects that Within Essence is currently working on?

 I’m currently working on some exciting campaigns and projects for clients in both the beauty and fashion industry. Moreover, I’m working on my company re-launch and new website alongside other things.

What was your 'breakthrough' moment that made you realize that entrepreneurship was something that you wanted to pursue?

I’ve had several moments and truly believe my breakthroughs are ongoing! But once I realized there was more to life than just being confined in a box with the desire to go to law school; that’s when I realized I had more to live for and explore within myself. Seizing new opportunities that were beyond me and getting out of my comfort zone allowed me to do just that… break through!

 What's a typical day for you as a BOSS?

 Typical day pretty much goes like this on average...There’s just always something to do!

      Ø  Meditation/Prayer

Ø  Emails/Calls/Follow-Ups/Brainstorm/Networking

Ø  Social Media

Ø  Meetings/Site Visits/Social

Ø   “Me time” – That’s just how I wrap up my nights. Need to let it all simmer even if I put in some overtime.

As far as branding values, what are two essentials that you feel are key when working with clients and luxury brands?

Knowing your purpose and knowing your value! Those two are very key!  You just can’t sell yourself short nor step outside of your standards and protocol. Remain humble and on course!
Be sure to follow Grace on Twitter @Withinessence
Tweet me: @Fab_Key

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